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Webhook Output Sample


{"OID":"","TestID":"2817B935BP"3279B035APR","Duration":"67.5","TestDate":"11\6\/1\10\/2023"2024","TestMonth":"11"6","TestDay":"1"10","TestYear":"2023"2024","score_report_url":"https:\/\/\/reports\/ScoreReport.php?p=4371a529ba9a419a1dc903bcd8856251Afcpr"5b685c54b72bac34e7b56feb9f7be2c5A12xwf","Overall_Level":"3.1","Overall_cefr":"B1","Grammar_Level":"2.0","Grammar_Score":"41","Grammar_Percent":"44","Grammar_cefr":"A2","Listening_Level":"4.5","Overall_cefr":"C1","Grammar_Level":"3.5","Grammar_Score":"68","Grammar_Percent":"72","Grammar_cefr":"B2","Listening_Level":"5.0","Listening_Score":"81"87","Listening_Percent":"79"86","Listening_cefr":"C1","Reading_Level":"4.5"6.0","Reading_Score":"79"100","Reading_Percent":"75"100","Reading_cefr":"C1"C2","Writing_Level":"2.5"4.0","Writing_Score":"55"77","Writing_Percent":"42"67","Writing_cefr":"B1"B2","Writing_Question_Count":2,"Writing_Question_1":"AYou clientand ofyour classmates agree that your class is dull and is difficult to follow. Write a note to your instructor with some suggestions about how the companyclass hascould informedbe you that they are planning to take their business to another company. You have one chance to try and persuade them to stay as clients of your company. Write to them explaining why your company is a better fit for them.better.","Writing_Answer_1":"Dear customer,Instructor Micheal, \r\n\r\nOurnWe companyare hasvery akeen benefiton to learn what you are teaching in the class but sometimes it can be very hard to follow the details and could be resulted in losing the interest. \n\nAdding some historic anecdots, or showing some cuts from the movies about the daily topics of the class can be entartaning for all of us. \n\nWe avail ourselfs to extend our regards and seeking your company.kind Weunderstanding have a long year job relation with you. We give you a best price for the job. Another company don't have a experience for the job. Andon this year we will give you a best price for the job. Our experiment for the job,matter.","Writing_Question_2":"SomeYour companiesschool is considering making changes to its admissions policies. Option one involves decreasing the number of students admitted. Option two is to lower the requirements so that more students are givingeligible theirfor staffadmission. moreIn flexibilityboth setting their hours, allowing them to work from home more frequently. Others believe that doing so underminesscenarios, the productivitynumbers of instructors would remain the company, because staff does not interact and thus communication suffers.same. Which option do you think is a better idea? Give reasons and why?details to support your response.","Writing_Answer_2":"ITaking thinkinto aconsideration new company(most of) give a flexibility hour forof the job.both Causeapproaches theyof don'tdecreasing havethe anumber chanceof students admitted or lowering the requirements in favor of more students eligibilty needs some more detailed thinking. \n\nDecreasing the number of students admitted can be resulted in more interaction between the instructor and the students. With the given limited number of the instructors and to getbe a smart workerable to theirmake company. And second option is workers wantthem to havebenefit aand time, spentrelocate their time withto familystudents orand their hobbies.academic Flexibilityresearch hourmost giveeffectively, descreasing the number of students and the number of the classes can be a chancegood toapproach. spent\n\nOne can claim that decreasing the number of the students will also decrease the income of the school but it can be also argued that the instructors have more time tofor worker. \r\nBut i think best decide is hybrid. When you at home full timeprojects and afteracademic yousearch needwill acan socializationalso withincrease anotherthe people.income Afterof flexiblethe hourschool idea,while moreincrease applicationthe foundquality of the education provied. \n\n\nOn the other hand, lowering the requirements may result in the phone.number Theof workerseligible wantsstudents tobut doalso somethingwill with anyone. Fordecrease the hybridquality model,of theythe giveeducation anand hourthe outcome of both studedent and instructors. In the mid-long run, the prefarance of the school may be also decreased due. \n\nIt is believed that qualitative approached are more crucial than quantative ones in education and decreasing the number of students admitted will be benefical for theboth socialize someone, work more smartinstructors and talkthe withstudents theirthat familyare andeducated friend.\r\nSome company have no chances to flexible hours like factory. They work always same time. After flexible hour and work from home, factory workers is want to change their jobs.\r\nAfterin the flexible hour and working home, people search job only like that. Their company change their working hours and","Speaking_Level":"2.4.0","Speaking_Score":"47"77","Speaking_Percent":"33"67","Speaking_cefr":"A2"B2","Duration"Status":"70.9"Complete"}


  "OID": "",
  "TestID": "2817B935BP"3279B035APR",
  "Duration": "67.5",
  "TestDate": "11/1/2023"6/10/2024",
  "TestMonth": "11"6",
  "TestDay": "1"10",
  "TestYear": "2023"2024",
  "score_report_url": ""5b685c54b72bac34e7b56feb9f7be2c5A12xwf",
  "Overall_Level": "3.1",
  "Overall_cefr": "B1",
  "Grammar_Level": "2.0",
  "Grammar_Score": "41",
  "Grammar_Percent": "44",
  "Grammar_cefr": "A2",
  "Listening_Level": "4.5",
  "Overall_cefr": "C1",
  "Grammar_Level": "3.5",
  "Grammar_Score": "68",
  "Grammar_Percent": "72",
  "Grammar_cefr": "B2",
  "Listening_Level": "5.0",
  "Listening_Score": "81"87",
  "Listening_Percent": "79"86",
  "Listening_cefr": "C1",
  "Reading_Level": "4.5"6.0",
  "Reading_Score": "79"100",
  "Reading_Percent": "75"100",
  "Reading_cefr": "C1"C2",
  "Writing_Level": "2.5"4.0",
  "Writing_Score": "55"77",
  "Writing_Percent": "42"67",
  "Writing_cefr": "B1"B2",
  "Writing_Question_Count": 2,
  "Writing_Question_1": "AYou clientand ofyour classmates agree that your class is dull and is difficult to follow. Write a note to your instructor with some suggestions about how the companyclass hascould informedbe you that they are planning to take their business to another company. You have one chance to try and persuade them to stay as clients of your company. Write to them explaining why your company is a better fit for them.better.",
  "Writing_Answer_1": "Dear customer,Instructor Micheal, \r\n\r\nOurnWe companyare hasvery akeen benefiton to learn what you are teaching in the class but sometimes it can be very hard to follow the details and could be resulted in losing the interest. \n\nAdding some historic anecdots, or showing some cuts from the movies about the daily topics of the class can be entartaning for all of us. \n\nWe avail ourselfs to extend our regards and seeking your company.kind Weunderstanding have a long year job relation with you. We give you a best price for the job. Another company don't have a experience for the job. Andon this year we will give you a best price for the job. Our experiment for the job,matter.",
  "Writing_Question_2": "SomeYour companiesschool is considering making changes to its admissions policies. Option one involves decreasing the number of students admitted. Option two is to lower the requirements so that more students are givingeligible theirfor staffadmission. moreIn flexibilityboth setting their hours, allowing them to work from home more frequently. Others believe that doing so underminesscenarios, the productivitynumbers of instructors would remain the company, because staff does not interact and thus communication suffers.same. Which option do you think is a better idea? Give reasons and why?details to support your response.",
  "Writing_Answer_2": "ITaking thinkinto aconsideration new company(most of) give a flexibility hour forof the job.both Causeapproaches theyof don'tdecreasing havethe anumber chanceof students admitted or lowering the requirements in favor of more students eligibilty needs some more detailed thinking. \n\nDecreasing the number of students admitted can be resulted in more interaction between the instructor and the students. With the given limited number of the instructors and to getbe a smart workerable to theirmake company. And second option is workers wantthem to havebenefit aand time, spentrelocate their time withto familystudents orand their hobbies.academic Flexibilityresearch hourmost giveeffectively, descreasing the number of students and the number of the classes can be a chancegood toapproach. spent\n\nOne can claim that decreasing the number of the students will also decrease the income of the school but it can be also argued that the instructors have more time tofor worker. \r\nBut i think best decide is hybrid. When you at home full timeprojects and afteracademic yousearch needwill acan socializationalso withincrease anotherthe people.income Afterof flexiblethe hourschool idea,while moreincrease applicationthe foundquality of the education provied. \n\n\nOn the other hand, lowering the requirements may result in the phone.number Theof workerseligible wantsstudents tobut doalso somethingwill with anyone. Fordecrease the hybridquality model,of theythe giveeducation anand hourthe outcome of both studedent and instructors. In the mid-long run, the prefarance of the school may be also decreased due. \n\nIt is believed that qualitative approached are more crucial than quantative ones in education and decreasing the number of students admitted will be benefical for theboth socialize someone, work more smartinstructors and talkthe withstudents theirthat familyare andeducated friend.\r\nSome company have no chances to flexible hours like factory. They work always same time. After flexible hour and work from home, factory workers is want to change their jobs.\r\nAfterin the flexible hour and working home, people search job only like that. Their company change their working hours and",
  "Speaking_Level": "2.4.0",
  "Speaking_Score": "47"77",
  "Speaking_Percent": "33"67",
  "Speaking_cefr": "A2"B2",
  "Duration"Status": "70.9"Complete"