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{"OID":"","TestID":"3279B035APR","Duration":"67.5","TestDate":"6\/10\/2024","TestMonth":"6","TestDay":"10","TestYear":"2024","score_report_url":"","Overall_Level":"4.5","Overall_cefr":"C1","Grammar_Level":"3.5","Grammar_Score":"68","Grammar_Percent":"72","Grammar_cefr":"B2","Listening_Level":"5.0","Listening_Score":"87","Listening_Percent":"86","Listening_cefr":"C1","Reading_Level":"6.0","Reading_Score":"100","Reading_Percent":"100","Reading_cefr":"C2","Writing_Level":"4.0","Writing_Score":"77","Writing_Percent":"67","Writing_cefr":"B2","Writing_Question_Count":2,"Writing_Question_1":"You and your classmates agree that your class is dull and is difficult to follow. Write a note to your instructor with some suggestions about how the class could be better.","Writing_Answer_1":"Dear Instructor Micheal, \n\nWe are very keen on to learn what you are teaching in the class but sometimes it can be very hard to follow the details and could be resulted in losing the interest. \n\nAdding some historic anecdots, or showing some cuts from the movies about the daily topics of the class can be entartaning for all of us. \n\nWe avail ourselfs to extend our regards and seeking your kind understanding on this matter.","Writing_Question_2":"Your school is considering making changes to its admissions policies. Option one involves decreasing the number of students admitted. Option two is to lower the requirements so that more students are eligible for admission. In both scenarios, the numbers of instructors would remain the same. Which do you think is a better idea? Give reasons and details to support your response.","Writing_Answer_2":"Taking into consideration of the both approaches of decreasing the number of students admitted or lowering the requirements in favor of more students eligibilty needs some more detailed thinking. \n\nDecreasing the number of students admitted can be resulted in more interaction between the instructor and the students. With the given limited number of the instructors and to be able to make them to benefit and relocate their time to students and their academic research most effectively, descreasing the number of students and the number of the classes can be a good approach. \n\nOne can claim that decreasing the number of the students will also decrease the income of the school but it can be also argued that the instructors have more time for projects and academic search will can also increase the income of the school while increase the quality of the education provied. \n\n\nOn the other hand, lowering the requirements may result in the number of eligible students but also will decrease the quality of the education and the outcome of both studedent and instructors. In the mid-long run, the prefarance of the school may be also decreased due. \n\nIt is believed that qualitative approached are more crucial than quantative ones in education and decreasing the number of students admitted will be benefical for both instructors and the students that are educated in the school.","Speaking_Level":"4.0","Speaking_Score":"77","Speaking_Percent":"67","Speaking_cefr":"B2","Status":"Complete"}


  "OID": "",
  "TestID": "3279B035APR",
  "Duration": "67.5",
  "TestDate": "6/10/2024",
  "TestMonth": "6",
  "TestDay": "10",
  "TestYear": "2024",
  "score_report_url": "",
  "Overall_Level": "4.5",
  "Overall_cefr": "C1",
  "Grammar_Level": "3.5",
  "Grammar_Score": "68",
  "Grammar_Percent": "72",
  "Grammar_cefr": "B2",
  "Listening_Level": "5.0",
  "Listening_Score": "87",
  "Listening_Percent": "86",
  "Listening_cefr": "C1",
  "Reading_Level": "6.0",
  "Reading_Score": "100",
  "Reading_Percent": "100",
  "Reading_cefr": "C2",
  "Writing_Level": "4.0",
  "Writing_Score": "77",
  "Writing_Percent": "67",
  "Writing_cefr": "B2",
  "Writing_Question_Count": 2,
  "Writing_Question_1": "You and your classmates agree that your class is dull and is difficult to follow. Write a note to your instructor with some suggestions about how the class could be better.",
  "Writing_Answer_1": "Dear Instructor Micheal, \n\nWe are very keen on to learn what you are teaching in the class but sometimes it can be very hard to follow the details and could be resulted in losing the interest. \n\nAdding some historic anecdots, or showing some cuts from the movies about the daily topics of the class can be entartaning for all of us. \n\nWe avail ourselfs to extend our regards and seeking your kind understanding on this matter.",
  "Writing_Question_2": "Your school is considering making changes to its admissions policies. Option one involves decreasing the number of students admitted. Option two is to lower the requirements so that more students are eligible for admission. In both scenarios, the numbers of instructors would remain the same. Which do you think is a better idea? Give reasons and details to support your response.",
  "Writing_Answer_2": "Taking into consideration of the both approaches of decreasing the number of students admitted or lowering the requirements in favor of more students eligibilty needs some more detailed thinking. \n\nDecreasing the number of students admitted can be resulted in more interaction between the instructor and the students. With the given limited number of the instructors and to be able to make them to benefit and relocate their time to students and their academic research most effectively, descreasing the number of students and the number of the classes can be a good approach. \n\nOne can claim that decreasing the number of the students will also decrease the income of the school but it can be also argued that the instructors have more time for projects and academic search will can also increase the income of the school while increase the quality of the education provied. \n\n\nOn the other hand, lowering the requirements may result in the number of eligible students but also will decrease the quality of the education and the outcome of both studedent and instructors. In the mid-long run, the prefarance of the school may be also decreased due. \n\nIt is believed that qualitative approached are more crucial than quantative ones in education and decreasing the number of students admitted will be benefical for both instructors and the students that are educated in the school.",
  "Speaking_Level": "4.0",
  "Speaking_Score": "77",
  "Speaking_Percent": "67",
  "Speaking_cefr": "B2",
  "Status": "Complete"

Note: To comply with privacy laws the score report URL has been replaced with a report that displays fabricated information.