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Integration Results Webhook


It is worth noting that an exam undergoes a number of state changes during its life:

        1.  Ready 
        2.  Started
        3.  Finished
        4.  Review
        5.  Technical Difficulty
        6.  Invalidated
        7.  Completed
        8.  Disabled

Currently webhook calls are executed at the following processing points:

        • When The status of the exam changes to Finished (Optional)
        • When the status of the exam changes to Completed
        • If any type of reset is executed for the exam
        • If the exam is invalidated
        • If the exam encountered a technical issue 

When any of the above described events occur, a check is made the determines if the test has a tracking code assigned to it. Tracking codes are created and maintained by iTEP staff. These codes are used to identify the endpoint, authorization methods and parameters, and if a call is to be executed when the test is finished.

The call is a post call. The data in the all is a single form-encoded field named data, and the data is a JSON string that contains the results.

See Webhook Output Sample for an example.

Headers sent:


 Data sent:



Specific Field Detail:
OID the remote system unique ID for this test
TestID the iTEP Test ID
Duration Number of minutes candidate spent taking the exam
TestDate M/D/YYYY the date the test was finished
M will be a number between 1 and 12
D will be a number between 1 and 31
YYYY will be a number greater than 1900
TestMonth the month the test was finished
Valid values: a number between 1 and 12
TestDay the day of the month the test was finished
Valid values: a number between 1 and 31
TestYear the year the test was finished
Valid values: a number greater than 1900
score_report_url URL that will generate a formatted score report with skill breakdowns and explanations
Overall_Level the iTEP level assigned to the test as a whole
Valid values: 0.0 - 6.0

Overall CEFR level

See CEFR Levels for definition


Exam status, as described in the previous section

If the exam contains a Grammar section the data will include:

the iTEP level assigned to the grammar section

Valid values: 0.0 - 6.0

Grammar_Score the iTEP Test ID
Grammar_Percent the percent of correct answers for the grammar section
Valid values: 0 - 100
TestMonthGrammar_cefr the month

Grammar theCEFR testlevel


See finished
ValidCEFR values:Levels afor numberdefinition

between 1 and 12
the day of
If the monthexam contains a Listening section the testdata waswill finished
values:a number between 1 and 31
TestYearListening_Level the year the test was finished
Valid values: a number greater than 1900

the iTEP level assigned to the testListening assection

a whole

Valid values: 0.0 - 6.0

Listening_Scorethe iTEP Test ID
Listening_Percentthe percent of correct answers for the Listening section
Valid values: 0 - 100

Listening CEFR level

See CEFR Levels for definition

If the exam contains a Reading section the data will include:

the iTEP level assigned to the Reading section

Valid values: 0.0 - 6.0

Reading_Scorethe iTEP Test ID
Reading_Percentthe percent of correct answers for the Reading section
Valid values: 0 - 100

Reading CEFR level

See CEFR Levels for definition

If the exam contains a Writing section the data will include:

the iTEP level assigned to the Writing section

Valid values: 0.0 - 6.0

Writing_Scorethe iTEP Test ID
Writing_Percentthe percent of correct answers for the Writing section
Valid values: 0 - 100

Writing CEFR level

See CEFR Levels for definition

If the exam contains a Speaking section the data will include:

the iTEP level assigned to the Speaking section

Valid values: 0.0 - 6.0

Speaking_Scorethe iTEP Test ID
Speaking_Percentthe percent of correct answers for the Speaking section
Valid values: 0 - 100

Speaking CEFR level

See CEFR Levels for definition